Xray products

Xray products - General Dentistry - dentmaterial

Eco30 Self Developing Dental X-Ray Films hover image

Eco30 Self Developing Dental X-Ray Films

QUICK OVERVIEWThe ECO-30 is intended to provide fast, high-resolution x-rays without the use of a dental processor.Eco 30 Self Developing Dental X-Ray..

₹2,599.00 ₹3,000.00

Generic RVG Sleeves

Generic RVG Sleeves

QUICK OVERVIEWRadiovisiography (RVG) Sensors or Digital X-Ray Sensor Sleeves is the popular sensor sleeves are now available.LD RVG (Radiovisiography)..

₹299.00 ₹599.00

Kodak Carestream Xray IOPA Films hover image

Kodak Carestream Xray IOPA Films

QUICK OVERVIEWCarestream Dental Intraoral E-Speed Film delivers high-quality images in as little as half the exposure time required for traditional E-..

₹3,499.00 ₹3,900.00

XPRESS E Speed Dental X-Ray Films

XPRESS E Speed Dental X-Ray Films

– Sharp and high-contrast images.– Increased visibility of fine details.– Imaging solution at one stop for dentistry.Packing: 150 Films pack..

₹2,800.00 ₹3,500.00

Xpress SD Self Developing X Ray Films hover image

Xpress SD Self Developing X Ray Films

QUICK OVERVIEWHigh sensitivity and maximum contrast for instant development in full light to obtain high resolution results.Reduces exposure timesSimp..

₹3,699.00 ₹4,555.00

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)